Baby Namings

Mazel Tov on the arrival of the new member of your family!

…or if a new member is on the way, B’sha’ah Tova (blessings for good arrival)!

I love supporting your family when you welcome a baby into yours arms by honoring the powerful Jewish covenantal and naming rituals and marking this precious moment .

  • I customize Brit Milah, ritual circumcision and naming rites for newborn boys, in partnership with a mohel.

  • I offer Brit Shalom (covenant of wholeness/peace) for those choosing an alternative route to ritual circumcision for the newborn boy.

  • I delight in Brit Bat, ritual covenanting and naming for a newborn daughter.

I root your ceremony deeply in the Jewish tradition while customizing it for your unique passions and needs. I weave vibrant rituals such as invoking the four directions with a shofar, blessing your newborn on the Torah, and facilitating a grandparents’ blessing the baby while holding a Tallis canopy. I bring a circle of love with song, blessing, and celebration!

Come explore how to bring this once-in-a-lifetime moment alive!

Discovery Call: Try a free 30-minute Discovery Call to discern if this is right for you.


I proudly serve couples of all denominations and orientations, inlcuding interfaith couples